These Terms and Conditions govern the finalisation, content and execution of contracts between the company Golfballs24 SRL (hereinafter referred to as Golfballs24) and his customers (hereinafter referred to as the "Customers") in relation to the sale of goods via the internet shop

1. Orders

When ordering products, Customers undertake to provide truthful information. By placing an order, Customers who are minors (under 18) confirm that they have obtained the consent of their legal representative for the conclusion of the relevant transaction. Golfballs24 accepts no responsibility in the event of false statements.

2. Contract definition

The display of products in the online shop is considered an offer. A contract is concluded with the placing of an order for goods or, if the service is provided directly online, when the Customer receives the goods.

3. Supply and shipment of goods

The products are delivered throughout Italy, Switzerland, Germany, France, Spain, Austria and other European Union member states. Delivery is normally carried out within 3-4 working days after the date on which an order is received. Should a product not be available, the Customer shall be promptly informed via e-mail or by telephone. Golfballs24 shall be liable for any damage caused during shipment (theft, loss, damage, etc. objectively attributed to the carrier). Therefore Golfballs24 undertakes, following appropriate communication (via e-mail or by phone) sent by the Customer, to resend products purchased on line.

4. Warranty

Golfballs24 checks the quality of products before shipment. In the event that products do not correspond with those they purchased, Customers are required to notify Golfballs24 via e-mail or by phone no later than 10 days after delivery. Golfballs24 shall replace non-conforming products returned by Customers at its own expense.

5. Prices

In order to purchase products, Customer shall pay Golfballs24 the prices in force at the time the contract was signed and published in the online shop Value added tax, as well as the cost of packaging and postage, are included in the price unless otherwise indicated.

6. Payment

Payment may be made by:

- Bank wire transfer (which must be completed before shipment);
- Paypal (which must be completed before shipment);

7. Jurisdiction

The Court of Law with jurisdiction over the area where company “Golfballs24” has its registered office shall have jurisdiction over any disputes.

Milan, 20/01/2020