Recupero palline


Our Company, Golfballs24 has been selling used golf balls for over 20 years.

Synonymous with quality and professionalism, our company has developed its ability to find and retrieve used golf balls over the years so that it can offer an exclusive and highly qualified service for all Golf Courses in Italy and abroad.
Thanks to close cooperation with professional, highly skilled and competent divers, retrieval activities are carried out directly at water courses with cutting-edge equipment which does no harm to lakes, fully respecting natural environments.
We firstly study a golf course where we will be searching for balls, in order to guarantee the maximum possible result in the least possible time. Retrieved balls are then selected and sold on the Italian and European markets, ensuring our high quality standards and very competitive and attractive prices.
Please contact us to evaluate a possible retrieval service at your Golf Course. We guarantee maximum reliability and professionalism. We also offer a service for the purchase of used golf balls from private individuals. If you are interested, please contact us at +39 3495927709 to evaluate an offer from our company.