The average price per ball for each model is clearly specified on our website, in line with the actual retail price of golf balls on the Italian market on the date in question.

XL = cost of more than € 4.00 per ball

L = cost of more than € 2.50 per ball

M = cost of more than € 1.25 per ball

S = cost of up to € 1.25 per ball.



Based on thorough market research and the support provided by golfers, we were able to identify the most suitable balls for individual players for 4 different Handicaps.

Up to HCP 54 = The golfer is particularly interested in distance, rotation, and a reasonable price, even though his/her margin of error is still very wide.

from HCP 27 = The player begins to master this game of skill and more specifically recognises his/her playing characteristics, looking for a ball that best suits his/her needs.

from HCP 18= The player has an advanced level of play, assisted by specific balls. The golfer wishes to use a specific brand which further gives his play confidence and determination.

from HCP 09 = The player is able to hit the ball perfectly uniformly, and therefore looks for real assistance in order to attack the "flag" on the green as well as possible. In this case the ball is as functional as possible: it becomes a real ally that helps the golfer achieve his/her objectives. 


The ball that acquires the greatest level of spin, increasing the possibility of generating backspin, topspin, Draw and Fade. It is without doubt a ball that will be worn down much faster, since its lining is very soft and therefore requires a very advanced level of play.

Excellent = the ball spins a lot.

Good = the ball spins quite a lot.

Normal = the ball has an average amount of spin.

Not very good = the ball does not spin very much.


For golfers who wish to get the ball to go farther or else assist the playing ability they have so far achieved. A ball that allows a shot to go farther is usually also referred to as a “Distance” ball.

Long = the ball travels a long way

Good = the ball travels quite a long way

Average = the ball travels an average distance

Not very good = the ball does not travel far


If a player needs to ensure extraordinarily high "carry" play in good weather conditions, without the presence of wind, the right choice is definitely a ball with a very high trajectory.

Very high = the ball stays in the air a long time before “slowing down”.

High= the ball has a higher than average “carry” .

Medium = the ball has a good “carry” and “roll” balance.

Low= the ball does not stay in the air for very long, even if it rolls a long way on the ground.


Through specific field studies, manufacturers continually seek to make products that are more suitable for all types of players, trying to improve the individual potential of golfers.

Excellent= the ball is particularly suitable for a mature player. 

Good = the ball assists a mature player.

Suitable = the ball is barely good enough to assist a mature player.

Not very suitable = the ball is not suitable to the needs of a mature player.


Through specific field studies, manufacturers continually seek to make products that are more suitable for all types of players, trying to improve the individual potential of golfers.

Excellent= the ball is particularly suitable for the player.

Good = the ball does not helps the player’s ability.

Suitable = the ball just about helps the player’s ability.

Not very suitable = the ball is not suitable to the player’s style.